Thursday, March 8, 2012

Final Exam Friday March 9th!!!

Review introductions, thesis statements, topic sentences, and conclusions as well as grammar for adverb, adjective, and noun clauses. Also, review transition word chart.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Lab: Finish up work from yesterday and Monday.

1. Revising and Editing photocopy
2. Write a practice introduction to one of the thesis statements from class.
3. Bring one question you have about grammar to class tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Sentences or questions with noun clauses: that, what , if/whether, when, who, where, why, how
Azar Interactive Chapter 12

Homework: final draft of compare and contrast essay due.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Week 10

In class: opinion essay and noun clauses

  • 9 sentences using the phrases on page 163 (use topics from page166 or about gay marriage, guns,  work regulations for international students)
  • Azar Interactive Chapter 12
  • Blog: opinion paragraph on tuition.
Homework: Start 2nd draft of compare and contrast essay (due Wednesday)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Week 9

In Class: 1st drafts of Compare and Contrast Essay Due!!! More practice with Adjective clauses Whose, where, when

No Lab: Quiz on Adjective Clauses

1.Photocopy on reduced adjective clauses, just cross out  to reduce. 
ex: Do you know the girl who is wearing the red hat?)
2. Start Chapter 11  Expressing Your Opinions  by reading pages 163-165
3. Finish any lab work from this week.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


In Class: Finish adjective clauses
1. first draft of compare and contrast essay due
2. Study for quiz on adjective clauses (editing, sentence combining, and writing your own sentences)
1.Write 2 reduced adjective clauses and two appositives in Word or on the Blog.
2. Finish any other work from yesterday
3. Work on your first draft.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


In class: editing writing test errors

1. adjective clause review and editing "El Nino"
2. Start your compare and contrast essay (First draft due Friday)

1. Review in class essay,
2. Finish sentences for page 126
4. Blog: compare and contrast two coffee shops.
3. Start your compare and contrast essay

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday Week 9

In Class: Two styles of Compare and Contrast Essay, brainstorming two different ways.
Homework: Choose a style for your essay and make an outline with a thesis statement and topic sentences.
Lab: More sentences using each of the contrast expressions on page 126. Plus anything form yesterday you didn't finish.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 9 Monday

Please note: The last day of class has been changed to Monday March 12th,
and the final exam will be on Friday March 9th.

In Class: start Compare and Contrast Essays. Writing Thesis Statements.

Homework: Read and complete the outlines for the essays on page 131- 133. Photocopy of more adjective clause practice. Start thinking about a topic for your next essay.

1. Ten Perfect Sentences, In Word type 10 sentences to compare two similar people, places, or things (cars, phones, movies) using the comparison structures on page 126.
2. Finish Azar Interactive Chapter 13 and take the chapter test: Turki, Katie, Carol, Sangwon, Edward, Deniz, Min ? ,  Dahye ?
3. Blog: compare and contrast about two restaurants/coffee shops you have been to.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Homework: Start compare and contrast essays page 125-127.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday Week 8 - In class Writing Test Friday!!!

In Class: More practice with adjective clauses. Practice with Thesis Statements if time allows.
1. Finish Azar Interactive Chapter 13 and take the Chapter Test. (You don't have to do every practice exercise)
2. Ten Perfect Sentences (Make sure you check the comments and correct andy errors).
3. Blog about your future. Also check two classmates' blogs and write a comment.
Homework: Review for an In Class Writing Test tomorrow. Review all grammar, transition words (no sheet allowed) Think about the following topics: Success in School, Ways to Manage Stress, Types of Sports

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday Week 8

In Class- work on  Adjective clauses!

1. Azar Interactive Chapter 13  on Adjective clauses
2. 10 perfect sentences:  about vacation or a place you would like to visit. Use: Who, which, that, when, where, whom, whose, which, who, that
3. Blog - future life? Try to include adjective clauses.

Homework: Process Essay due Thursday.  Finish Adjective Clause editing photocopy.

Friday, February 17, 2012


In class: more review of IF clauses.
No lab: Grammar test on adverb clauses.
Homework: Photocopy of if clauses (write 4 sentences using IF with different tenses), Editing photocopy. < (Click it if you were absent)

Thursday, February 16, 2012


In Class: more editing, thesis statements
Lab: See yesterday's post.
Homework: 1st draft of process essay, review for grammar quiz on adverb clauses tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


In Class: Editing
Homework: Write the introduction and outline for your process essay.  Start your conclusion. Review your midterm in class writing!!! Look at all the mistakes carefully and make sure you understand the corrections.

1. Azar Interactive Chapters 7 (7-6, 7-7, 7-8 ) and 11 (choose some of the exercises then try the chapter test).
2. Blog: about your own language
3. Ten Perfect Sentences about Language or Love (see Monday's post)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

In class: Review Process Essay model. Start brainstorming for next essay.
Homework: Write an introduction and outline for your process essay, make a list of useful vocabulary.
Lab: write your own LOVE arcostic poem. See the example below.

L (is for the way you ) look at me
O nly one I see
V ery, very extraordinary

E ven more than anyone that you adore

Continue with activities from yesterday's lab. Visit at least two other people's blogs today to read their LOVE poems.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 7 - Monday

In Class: Start Process Essays, Review Transition words for giving directions. More practice with Thesis Statements.

1.Write 3 more thesis statements on page 89. (on paper).
2. Read page 91-92, circle all the steps as you read. Write a short paragraph summarizing how to find articles in the library. Please Write on paper to turn in! Make sure you have a topic sentence and transition words.

1. Ten perfect Sentences Topic: Language  or LOVE 
Use a variety of connecting words:   / but / Although/  However, (2 sentences) / Despite + noun /    , so /  Because /   As a result (2 sentences) /  because of + noun
2. Azar Interactive Chapter 7 Nouns 7-6, 7-7, 7-8  (more if you have trouble with count/noun count nouns)
Azar Interactive Chapter 11 The Passive,
3. Blog: About your own language. What is the writing system? What is the grammar like? What kind of writing did ou do in school? (Answer any of these)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekend Homework

1. Please read pages 85 to 86 in Ready to Write.
2.  Do the exercise on page 87 with Transition Signals.
3. Finish Ten Perfect Sentences and Blog about school if you haven't already.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


 Writing Test Tomorrow!!!

1. Practice writing introductions for the thesis statements we did in class.
2. Final Draft of "Qualities of a Friend" essay due.
Lab: Finish 10 perfect sentences, blog about school, Azar Interactive Ch 18 and 19.
Review Parallel Structure Exercise and Thesis Statements
 from earlier lab sessions.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


In Class: More practice with shortened adverb clauses. More practice with thesis statements page 57 .
Homework: More Practice with Thesis Statements 1, 2, and 3. Final Draft of Essay due Friday. 5 bonus points if you turn it in early.
Lab: same as yesterday + parallel structure quiz  (try to use parallel structure in your thesis statement)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tuesday Week 6!

In class: more work with sentence connectors, run on sentences, and reduced adverb clauses.
1.Start revising "Qualities of Good Friend" essay, final draft due Friday.
2. Photocopy of reduced / shortened  adverb clauses

1. 10 perfect sentences with: because, because of, despite, although, unless, until, while, if, before, after. Topic :School
2. Azar Interactive: Chapters 18 and 19
3. Blog: school life

Friday, February 3, 2012


1. Finish the photocopy "Editing Practice"
2. Write a conclusion to your essay about "Qualities of a Good Friend"

Thursday, February 2, 2012


In Class: More practice with essays and adverb clauses.

Homework: 1st draft of "Qualities of a Friend" essay due Friday. Please include your outline (no conclusion required)

  1. Work on essay
  2. Take chapter tests for Azar Interactive Chapters 5 and 17
  3. Look at Thesis Statement Exercises
  4. Blog: write a paragraph about a friend
  5. Visit your classmates blogs and make a comment
MIDTERM TEST is moved to next Friday February 10th!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday - Start Essay

In Class: Create outline for "Qualities in a Friend" essay.
Lab: Work on essay or continue work from yesterday.
Homework: First draft of :Qualities in a Friend" essay due Friday (no conclusion required).
NOTE: MID TERM TEST is moved to February 10th!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


In Class: More practice with introductions and thesis statements.

1. Write another introduction using different technique for the topic:
What are important qualities in a friend?   (Turn in 2 introductions)
2. Review the model essay on pages 68 and 69. Answer the questions page 74-75 in your head(you don't need to write it all.)
3. Photocopy of complex sentences

1. Continue to work on Azar Interactive Chapters 5 and17.
2. 10 perfect Sentences withs words from page55-56 (about friends and family)
3. Blog: Describe a good friend

Monday, January 30, 2012


In Class: Adverb clauses, fragments, start Chapter 4 Essays

Homework:  Read pages 70-72 (The Introduction) Note the style used.

1. Azar Interactive Chapter 5 (Time adverb clauses) and 17
2. Ten Perfect Sentences about family and friends using adverb clauses (Use words from page 55-56 in Ready to Write)
3. Blog: Write a paragraph about a good friend.

Friday, January 27, 2012


  1. Editing page 65 Copy and hand in.
  2. Read page 67. Read and label paragraphs on page 68-69.
  3. Finish any lab work if needed:  Chapter 6 and 16 tests, 10 Perfect Sentences (check for comments and make corrections).

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Class: Review of sentence connectors and S-V agreement
1. Revise Fairy Tale, add three adjectives, two adverbs and one simile (for example: She was ugly as a rotten banana.)
2. Study for quiz on S-V agreement and sentence connectors.
3. Finish Punctuation and Capitalization pages 58-62 if you didn't did it last night.

Lab: Same as Monday/Tuesday/Wed visit two classmates' blogs and post a comment. Check your own blog for comments.  Try Topic Sentences Exercises  if you have finished everything else

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rainy later Sunny Wednesday

In class: More practice with coordinating conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs.
1. Practice with conjunctive adverbs (photo copy)
2. Review punctuation and capitalization pages 58-62
3. Start to review for quiz on Friday (S-V agreement, sentence connectors FANBOYS etc. )

Lab: Continue same work form Monday's post below. Post your paragraph about your bedroom.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Homework: revise and rewrite the description of your bedroom. Please type and print one copy for me.  Also post it on your blog with a picture.

Lab: Continue work from yesterday.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Week 4!

In class - Revising practice, coordinating conjunctions
Homework - Ready to Write  finish pages 49 and 50, 53.
finish your 10 perfect sentences from last week.
  1.  Finish Azar Interactive Chapters 6 and 16 (do these first), Chapter 11 Passive Voice.
    Please take the Chapter Tests!
  2. Optional: more subject verb practice   one more  and another
  3. Correct and finish 10 perfect sentences from last week
  4. Start a new set of 10 perfect sentence. the topic is weather/seasons
  5. Finding topic sentence exercise  When you finish the first one, click "Next Exercise"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


No classes today due to snow. On your blog, write a description of snow at your house and how you feel about the snow. Post a picture if you can. Then check your classmates' blogs.Have a happy snow day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Activities and HW

In class, we will be finishing up paragraphs and discuss transition words.

  1. Finish 10 perfect sentences from last week. Check the comments and correct any mistakes.
    Only Sangwon has a Perfect 10.
  2. Azar Interactive Chapter 6 Subject Verb Agreement and Chapter 16 Coordination Conjunctions. If you finish this start Chapter 11 the Passive Voice.
  3. Start new blog for this week. the topic is: A Description of your Home in Seattle.
Homework:  review page 42 and circle the transition words. Write 2 paragraphs using different organization pages 43, 44 A-D Please write on paper. Make sure to have a clear topic sentence, transition words and supporting details.

Friday, January 13, 2012


No school Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

  1. Read the sample paragraphs on pages 38 and 39, cross out sentences that don't support the topic sentence.
  2. Check your blog. Correct your Ten Perfect Sentences by looking at the comment below. If you haven't done them look at Sangwon or Putti's blogs for an example.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday's Activities

  1. Future Tense Chapter 4 in Azar Interactive
  2. Finish work listed on yesterday's post.
  3. Practice writing topic sentences (page 28 improve the ones that are too general or too specific) or more verb tense sentences.
Review verb tenses of the quiz. You can us Azar Interactive at home!
Read the sample paragraphs in Ready to Write (our writing book) pages 30 and 31

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday's Activities

  1. Continue to work on Chapter 3 in UUEG Present Perfect. Take the chapter test.
  2. Blog: Rewrite Memorable Trip paragraph.
  3. 4. Start UUEG Chapter 4 Future Tenses
  4. Blog: start work on 10 perfect sentences using different verb tenses. Pick a topic like Travel, family or English and write 10 sentences with numbers.
For example: Travel
1. I like to travel.
2. I went to the Grand Canyon last November
3. When we were hiking in the Grand Canyon, we saw some incredible views.
4. I have never been to the Copper Canyon in Mexico, but it's supposed to be beautiful.
5. I had studied in France before I worked to Indonesia.

Start to review for Verb Tense Quiz Thursday. Do more practice with UUEG or online
More Practice with topic sentences page 28

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday's Class

1.  Chapter 3 of UUEG Present Perfect.  Review Charts, try exercises and do the Chapter Test if you are ready.  If you want more practice, go to

2. Check two classmates' blogs and post comments.

Homework: Make a mind map (brainstorm) for the topic of FOOD. Read pages 25 and 26 in your writing book. Continue to work on verb tense on UUEG (Azar Interactive)
if you need more practice. We will have a quiz on verb tense on Friday.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Activities and Homework

Lab: Sign in to Engrade
UUEG Chapter 2 see notes and do at least two exercises.
Take the chapter test.
Visit at least two of your classmates' blogs and post a comments.

More Verb practice: Write about memorable vacation use simple present, simple past, past progressive and present perfect, and future.

Outline from Friday's class (brainstorming on the topic of travel) See pages 14, 15 and  23 for an example.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Homework for the weekend of January 7-8
  1. Rewrite your Assessment Essay. At the end list what problems you need to check for more carefully.
  2. From your brainstorming in class, Free write an outline for the topic of travel. See page 23 for an example.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Homework for Thursday Jan 5: Rewrite your assessment essay and correct the errors. Due Monday


Homework for Jan. 4th: Get your writing book and log on code for the grammar website. Go to the "Class Blogs" tab above and look at two of your classmates blogs.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to Writing 4 Winter 2012!

 I use this Blog to post homework assignments, links and other class information. We  will also have  writing blogs that  will replace a journal for shared writing.

To create your own blog you will need a Google account. Ask me or a classmate if you need help.

Homework for Tuesday 1/3 Fill out questionnaire and return it tomorrow.